Academic Affairs Policies

AA001.1 Grade Appeal - Undergraduate and Graduate Course Grade Appeal Policy - May 9, 2017

Provides a means for students to seek change when they feel their final grade has been determined unfairly.

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AA002.1 Endowed Professorship Policy - January 1, 2023

This Endowed Professorship Policy outlines the procedures for selecting awardees and the responsibilities of the faculty member who receives an award.

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AA003.2 Faculty Workload Policy - February 23, 2023

The Faculty Workload Policy defines the criteria for a fair and equitable faculty workload.

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AA004.4 Summer Faculty Employment Policy - June 25, 2024

The University of Louisiana at Monroe’s Summer Faculty Employment Policy defines the appointment expectations and salary considerations for those faculty members who teach or perform special duties in the summer.

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AA005.1 Textbook Adoption Policy - December 15, 2016

The adoption of textbooks and other materials for courses at ULM are governed by this policy. Procedures for ordering textbooks and materials are also provided.

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AA006.1 Endowed Chair Policy - January 1, 2023

The Endowed Chair Policy outlines the procedures for selecting awardees and the responsibilities of the faculty member who receives an award.

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AA007.1 Accelerated Bachelors-to-Masters Policy

The Accelerated Bachelors-to-Masters Policy creates the conditions under which an accelerated bachelors-to-masters (ABM) program can be offered to students.

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AA008.1 Employment Appointment and Reappointment Letters for the Division of Academic Affairs Policy - April 8, 2019

The Employment Appointment and Reappointment Letters for the Division of Academic Affairs Policy outlines and provides the procedures to process appointment and reappointment letters/memos for faculty and staff in the Division of Academic Affairs and faculty in the University Library.

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AA009.1 Hiring Faculty With Remaining Dissertation Requirements Policy - June 25, 2024

Most faculty positions at a university will require possession of a terminal or advanced degree. Due to the timing of the search, some hiring decisions are made on tenure-track lines before the future faculty member has received the expected degree. This policy covers how hiring will proceed when the successful candidate has remaining degree requirements that should be fulfilled.

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AA010.1 Tenure Clock Suspension Policy

All faculty hired into tenure-track positions must serve a probationary period before being allowed to apply for tenure, as defined by the University System of Louisiana and the ULM Faculty Handbook. During this period, personal situations, such as the birth of a child, the need to take care of a family member, an extended illness, or military duty, might occur that require the faculty member to take extended leave from ULM. Other institutional situations, such as a pandemic, natural disaster, or fire, might occur that have a severe negative affect on the teaching and scholarship of a faculty member. In these situations, it is in the best interest of the faculty member and ULM to have a mechanism for suspending the clock on this probationary period until such time as teaching and research are able to resume in a normal fashion.

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AA011.1 Verfication of Institutional and Program Accreditation Status Policy March 19, 2019

The University of Louisiana at Monroe's (ULM) Verification of Institutional and Program Accreditation Status Policy establishes the procedures for verifying institutional and program accreditation status and notifying SACSCOC and specialized or professional accreditation agencies when there is any type of change in accreditation status.

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AA013.1 Faculty Joint Appointment Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline the process of appointing faculty across two or more units.

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AA014.1 Full-Time Faculty Teaching Overload Policy - May 6, 2020

The Full-Time Faculty Teaching Overload Policy establishes guidelines and procedures for overload compensation for ULM full-time faculty teaching courses in excess of their full-time duties and responsibilities.

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AA015.2 Faculty Emeritus Recognition Policy - July 20, 2021

Faculty Emeritus recognition is reserved to honor, in retirement, faculty who have made distinguished professional contributions and have rendered significant academic service to the University.

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AA016.1 Administrative Emeritus Recognition Policy - July 8, 2020

Administrator Emeritus recognition is reserved to honor, in retirement, administrators who have made distinguished professional contributions and have rendered significant academic or administrative service to the University (e.g., dean emeritus of the college of health sciences or vice president for student affairs emeritus).

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AA017.1 Attendance Reporting Policy - June 25, 2024

The Attendance Reporting Policy will allow ULM to comply with federal financial aid regulations regarding student attendance and participation in classes. It outlines the requirement for faculty members to take attendance of students between the start of the session and the official census date and report students who have not attended class to the respective department or college administration. Doing this will ensure compliance with federal and state regulations governing the disbursement and maintenance of financial aid for eligible students and promote transparency and accountability in tracking student attendance. This policy supports the enforcement of the attendance policies in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.

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AA019.1 Repeat Course Policy - June 25, 2024

The Repeat Course Policy determines when and how undergraduate students can retake courses at ULM for grades. Degree programs are designed for students to build upon content and skills introduced in lower-level courses. Curricula provide streams of progress resulting in degree completion. To assure progress toward the degree and avoid potential academic, graduation, and financial difficulties, the number of times that courses are repeated must be regulated. While it is necessary that courses must be repeated to meet degree requirements, retaking classes to improve grade point averages or other non-matriculation reasons has the potential to cause unintended harm. This policy provides direction on when retaking classes is appropriate and how approvals are obtained for the repetition.

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AA020.1 Undergraduate Course Repeat and Repair Policy - June 25, 2024

The Undergraduate Course Repeat and Repair Policy allows for the limited replacement of undergraduate academic credit with higher marks for the same course in the calculation of the student’s graduation GPA.

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AA021.1 Incomplete Grade Policy - June 25, 2024

The Incomplete Grade Policy describes the conditions under which incomplete grades, designated by “I”, are assigned. A grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be assigned in exceptional cases at the discretion of the instructor when, due to extenuating circumstances beyond his/her control, a student is passing a course but is unable to complete of the course within the period of the course’s session.

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Allocation and Use of Attrition by Colleges - January 16, 2007

The College Budget Authority PPM provides the dean of a college with the authority to rebudget collegiate funds during the fiscal year. The purpose of this PPM is to provide guidelines for the calculation, allocation, and use of the colleges unclassified employees attrition.

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Assessment and Certification of Faculty English Proficiency - October 22, 2008

The University of Louisiana at Monroe's policy and procedures for assessing and certifying the English proficiency of new instructional faculty is established.

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Attestation of Policy Review Fall 2015 - August 17, 2015

Division of Academic Affairs employees are responsible for reading policies and procedures relevant to their position and reading ULM, UL System, and Board of Regents policies and procedures. This is to be done by all new employees within 60 days of beginning employment and annually by current employees.

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College Budget Authority - January 16, 2007

The dean of a college has authority over his/her college’s budget.  As budgeting is a dynamic process this PPM provides guidelines for collegiate budgetary actions during the current fiscal year as well as the development of the budget for the next fiscal year.

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Faculty Administrators Salary - September 27, 2013

The purpose of this policy is to address the terms and conditions which governs the salary of a faculty member making the transition to a faculty administrator and vice versa.

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Faculty Handbook 2019-2020 - Effective July 1, 2019

This Faculty Handbook was approved for 2019-2020 on 2/13/2019. It becomes effective July 1, 2019.

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Faculty Handbook - archived Copy 2015

The faculty handbook is designed as a guide for faculty. As a guide this handbook can be used as a first point of contact when a faculty member needs clarifications on policies, procedures and services. The faculty handbook is not a tome of all faculty information. Instead this handbook oftentimes acts only to point the faculty member to the needed information.

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 2012

Archived copy of the 2012 Faculty Handbook approved on 8/15/2012.

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 2010

Archived copy of the 2010 Faculty Handbook approved on 3/2/2010.

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 2007

Archived copy of the 2007 Faculty Handbook approved on 12/17/2007.

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 2001

Archived copy of the 2001 Faculty Handbook approved August 2001.

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 1999

Archived copy of the 1999 Faculty Handbook approved on 10/28/1999.

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 1988-89

Archived copy of the 1988-89 Faculty Handbook approved August 1988.

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 1987-88

Archived copy of the 1987-88 Faculty Handbook approved June 1987

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 1983-84

Archived copy of the 1983-84 Faculty Handbook approved May 1983.

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 1981-82

Archived copy of the 1981-82 Faculty Handbook approved August 1981.

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 1977-78

Archived copy of the 1977-1978 Faculty Handbook approved August 1977

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Faculty Handbook - archived copy 1970

Archived copy of the 1970 Faculty Handbook approved December 1969.

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Grade Appeal - Undergraduate and Graduate Course Grade Appeal Policy - September 22, 2016 PDF icon
KXUL Radio Policy Statement - June 9, 2014

The University of Louisiana at Monroe policy statement for radio station KXUL, including the purpose, administration, membership, organization, programming policies, and funding.

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OT Department Complaint Procedures - June 9, 2014 Microsoft Office document icon
Transfer Credit - February 27, 2008

This PPM establishes the policy and procedures by which course credit may be transferred from another institution to ULM.

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