Student Affairs Policies

SA001.3 Hazing Policy - September 11, 2019

Hazing is prohibited. The policy defines hazing, how to report incidents of hazing and how the University will handle any violations of the hazing policy.

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SA002.1 Freedom of Expression Policy - January 9, 2019

The purpose of the Universitys Freedom of Expression Policy is to: (i) provide for expressive activity to be conducted on public (outside) areas of the University campus in a manner consistent with First Amendment principles; (ii) establish procedures whereby a person aggrieved by a violation of this Policy on free expression may seek relief; and (iii) provide for reasonable time, place and manner (TPM) restrictions on expressive activity.

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SA003.1 CARE Team Policies and Procedures - July 21, 2022

The CARE team is a campus-wide team of appointed staff and faculty responsible for identifying, assessing, and responding to concerns and/or disruptive behaviors by students, faculty/staff, and community members who struggle academically, emotionally, or psychologically, or who present a risk to the health or safety of the university or its members

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SA004.1 Student Preferred Name Policy

ULM recognizes that many of its students use first names other than their legal (primary) first names to identify themselves. It is the policy of ULM that any student may choose to identify within the University community with a preferred first name that differs from their legal name. The preferred first name will appear in university related systems and documents except where the use of the legal name is necessitated or required by law or University business needs. Systems that do not require legal names will be updated to use preferred names as they are reconfigured or newly implemented.

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SA005.1 Assistance Animals in Residential Housing Policy - September 25, 2024

The University of Louisiana at Monroe (“ULM” or “University”) recognizes the importance of “Service Animals” as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and the broader category of “Assistance Animals” under the Fair Housing Act that provide physical and/or emotional support to individuals with disabilities. ULM is committed to allowing individuals with disabilities the use of a Service Animal on campus to facilitate their full-participation and equal access to the University’s programs and activities. ULM is also committed to allowing Assistance Animals necessary to provide students with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing.
Although it is the policy of ULM that individuals are generally prohibited from having animals of any type in University residential housing, ULM will consider a request by an individual with a disability for a reasonable accommodation from this prohibition to allow an Assistance Animal that is necessary because of a disability and reasonable in University housing. However, no Assistance Animal may be kept in University housing at any time prior to the individual receiving approval as a reasonable accommodation pursuant to this Policy.

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University Conference Center Policy and Procedures - January 26, 2016

This document explains the policy and use procedures of the University Conference Center.

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University House Rental Policy and Procedures - January 26, 2016

This document provides information on the policy and procedures regarding the use and rental of the University House.

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Campus Flyer Posting Policy - July 1, 2006

Policy for the procedure to post authorized flyers, posters and other materials on ULM bulletin boards.

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Campus-Wide Student Message Board - July 15, 2010

This policy outlines the types of appropriate messages that can be sent using the campus-wide student message board system.

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Student Activity Enhancement Fee Policy - July 31, 2015

Describes the policy and procedure for requesting funding from the Student Activity Enhancement Fee.

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Medical Assistance Policy - January 31, 2006

Medical Assistance, Medical Assistance Process,

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2019 - 2020 ULM Student Handbook (link to online version)

This publication is presented by the University of Louisiana at Monroe Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) to provide students and student organizations with information to guide them in their efforts to function successfully within the University environment.

COVID-19 Testing Policy for Students - October 13, 2021

COVID-19 Testing Policy for Students

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2018-2019 ULM Student Policy Manual (link to online version)

This publication is presented by the University of Louisiana at Monroe Office of Student Services (Student Conduct) to provide students and student organizations with information to guide them in their efforts to function successfully within the University environment.

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ULM Facilities Policy - November 10, 2015

This policy describes the various facilities on campus available to provide students, faculty/staff and guests with quality event venues, services programs and learning opportunities.

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ULM Student Activity Enhancement Fee Policy & Funding Request Procedure - July 25, 2018

Policy details the criteria and process for requesting and receiving ULM Student Activity Enhancement Fee funding.

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Alcohol Policy 2019 - 2020

Students, faculty and staff are expected to make healthy, responsible choices concerning their personal use of alcohol and the University supports them in this endeavor through education and other resources.

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