AA010.1 Tenure Clock Suspension Policy

Policy Number: 

All faculty hired into tenure-track positions must serve a probationary period before being allowed to apply for tenure, as defined by the University System of Louisiana and the ULM Faculty Handbook. During this period, personal situations, such as the birth of a child, the need to take care of a family member, an extended illness, or military duty, might occur that require the faculty member to take extended leave from ULM. Other institutional situations, such as a pandemic, natural disaster, or fire, might occur that have a severe negative affect on the teaching and scholarship of a faculty member. In these situations, it is in the best interest of the faculty member and ULM to have a mechanism for suspending the clock on this probationary period until such time as teaching and research are able to resume in a normal fashion.

Functional Field Category Unit: 
Academic Affairs
Original uploaded file: AA010.1 Tenure Clock Suspension Policy January 29, 2024.pdf.
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Date Effective: 
Monday, January 29, 2024
tenure, clock, tenure suspension, tenure track
Approved By Name: 
Ronald L. Berry
Approved by Email: 
Approved by Title: 
University President
Applies To: 
Contact Number: 
Contact Email: 