2020-2021 Unclassified Staff Handbook - September 29, 2022


The Unclassified Staff Handbook contains general information and guidelines and is not intended to be comprehensive or to address all possible applications of, or exceptions to, the general policies and procedures described. Some subjects described here are covered in detail in official policy documents. Employees should refer to these documents for specific information, as the Unclassified Staff Handbook may only provide a brief summary. The Unclassified Staff Handbook articulates the privileges and obligations of unclassified staff. The information in the Unclassified Staff Handbook should be supplemented by the Rules of the ULS Board of Supervisors for State Colleges and Universities under the Louisiana Board of Regents.

Functional Field Category Unit: 
Human Resources
Original uploaded file: Unclassified Staff Handbook August 29, 2022.pdf.
When publishing or emailing links, use the permalink above, as that URL will not change, regardless of what the filename may change to in the future.
Date Effective: 
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Handbook, Unclassified, Staff, Unclassified Staff
Approved By Name: 
Dr. Bill Graves
Approved by Email: 
Approved by Title: 
VP for Human Resources
Applies To: 
Contact Number: 
Contact Email: 