AA019.1 Repeat Course Policy - June 25, 2024

Policy Number: 

The Repeat Course Policy determines when and how undergraduate students can retake courses at ULM for grades. Degree programs are designed for students to build upon content and skills introduced in lower-level courses. Curricula provide streams of progress resulting in degree completion. To assure progress toward the degree and avoid potential academic, graduation, and financial difficulties, the number of times that courses are repeated must be regulated. While it is necessary that courses must be repeated to meet degree requirements, retaking classes to improve grade point averages or other non-matriculation reasons has the potential to cause unintended harm. This policy provides direction on when retaking classes is appropriate and how approvals are obtained for the repetition.

Functional Field Category Unit: 
Academic Affairs
Original uploaded file: AA019.1 Repeat Course Policy June 25, 2024.pdf.
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Date Effective: 
Monday, July 1, 2024
repeat course, retaking class, GPA
Approved By Name: 
Dr. Ron Berry
Approved by Email: 
Approved by Title: 
University President
Applies To: 
Contact Number: 
Contact Email: 