AA017.1 Attendance Reporting Policy - June 25, 2024


The Attendance Reporting Policy will allow ULM to comply with federal financial aid regulations regarding student attendance and participation in classes. It outlines the requirement for faculty members to take attendance of students between the start of the session and the official census date and report students who have not attended class to the respective department or college administration. Doing this will ensure compliance with federal and state regulations governing the disbursement and maintenance of financial aid for eligible students and promote transparency and accountability in tracking student attendance. This policy supports the enforcement of the attendance policies in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.

Functional Field Category Unit: 
Academic Affairs
Original uploaded file: AA017.1 Attendence Reporting Policy June 25, 2024.pdf.
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Date Effective: 
Monday, July 1, 2024
class attendance, non-attendance of course
Approved By Name: 
Dr. Ron Berry
Approved by Email: 
Approved by Title: 
University President
Applies To: 
Contact Number: 
Contact Email: 