ULM Leisure Learning Interest Survey

The University of Louisiana Monroe Department of Continuing Education and Professional Development is gathering information from community residents in Monroe and surrounding areas on their interest in leisure learning classes.

Leisure activities are enjoyable and self-driven classes that expand one's knowledge of a particular topic and have the potential to enhance the quality of life. The purpose of the classes would be to promote lifelong learning and education throughout all stages of life.


Please complete this voluntary survey on leisure learning to help the department meet the community’s needs and interests.

If you would like to be notified when leisure learning courses are being offered at ULM, please provide:

Instructor Interest

The department is also searching for individuals who may be interested in teaching. If you are interested, please provide your contact information below and the topic or area of expertise you’d be able to teach.

Please note: Instructors will work with the Department of Continuing Education and Professional Development to determine the class schedule and stipend details.

If yes, please fill out the information below:

Thank you for your participation!
If you have any questions or comments regarding the survey please contact us at ced@ulm.edu.

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