Public Records Request

The custodian of records for the University of Louisiana Monroe is the ULM President. The President has designated the ULM Legal and Compliance Counsel to coordinate any public records request (except law enforcement records) that are submitted to the university. If you wish to submit a public records request to inspect and/or copy public records, please do so in writing by one of the following methods.

FAX: 318.342.1019

Mail / Carrier: 700 University Avenue, Library 632, Monroe, LA 71209


* Request must be made during university business hours: Monday – Thursday, 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM; Friday 7:30 AM – 11:30 AM. Request received after business hours will be considered received on the following business day.

* The following types of request will result in costs incurred by the Requestor:

  • Creation of customized reports from electronically stored records will incur fee(s) in an amount equivalent to the current hourly wage of the IT programmer designated to create the report multiplied by the number hours expended on the project
  • Production of public records by a university employee after normal business hours (due to business necessity) will incur fee(s) in an amount equivalent to the current hourly and overtime wage of the employee designated to perform the task
  • Fees for copies and postage in accordance with the Uniform Fee Schedule adopted by the Louisiana Commissioner of Administration and published in the Louisiana Administrative Code

* Members of the media should submit media inquiries to the ULM Office of Marketing and Communications as inquiries are not covered hereunder.

* Request to inspect and/or copy law enforcement records maintained by ULM Police Department must be made to that Department.

Public Records Request Form

Fill out the public records request form below that, when completed, is automatically sent to the public records request coordinator identified above.

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