Spirit Groups Appearance Request

Appearance Guidelines

  • Requests should be received at least two (2) weeks prior to the event.
  • Please furnish as much detail as possible.
  • Each request will receive fair consideration and will be confirmed based on availability and department policies. Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee an appearance.
  • Accurate directions, location, phone number and contact name must be provided.
  • Please provide water.
  • Please provide parking and a secure area for belongings.
  • Please provide a private and lockable place to change clothes.
  • It must be understood that Ace’s maximum time in the suit is 45 minutes for an appearance and less than that if appearance is in excessive heat and humidity.
  • If you have been informed that a Spirit Group appearance will be free of charge, please state that in the Additional Notes or Information at the very bottom.


ULM Spirit Groups Appearance Fee


Ace the Warhawk Mascot Request


Maroon Appearance Request:

This include 4 - 8 Cheerleaders and Hawkline dancers + Mascot


Gold Appearance Request:

This include 8 - 12 Cheerleaders and Hawkline dancers + Mascot



A mileage fee will be applied if the event is outside of a 30 mile radius of the ULM campus.


The total appearance fee must be paid in full prior to event. Please make checks payable to ULM Cheerleading (for Cheer), ULM Hawkline (for Hawkline Dancers) and ULM Ace The Warhawk (for Ace) and mailed or dropped off to:

ATTN:  Brandon Bruscato
Activity Center 
University of Louisiana Monroe 
700 University Avenue 
Monroe, LA 71291


For questions, please contact Bruscato@ulm.edu


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