Students, you may find this form useful in determining your network account name. All accounts are created by an automated process. The normal account name is composed of the first six characters of your lastname and the first letter of your first and middle name. But due to some common names and sequences, variations of the naming structure may result. So please use the following form to look up your account name.
You will keep the same account name from 1 semester to the next, as long as you do not withdraw for longer than 1 full term semester (Fall or Spring). At that time your email account and all other associated access will be terminated. If you return later and are assigned a new account, the past emails and other system preferences will not be recoverable.
Please use your CWID (Campus-Wide ID) in reference to this lookup utility.
Note: If you do not know your CWID, login to Banner with your Social Security number and you may obtain the CWID through that process.