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Tammy Johnston
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
HMPH 153
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Tammy A Johnston, PhD
Professor, Economics


Ph D

1996, Economics
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale


1991, Economics
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale


1989, Finance
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Tammy Johnston has been a Professor of Economics at ULM since 1997.  Dr. Johnston has 70 journal publications, including projects with researchers at the International Monetary Fund, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the American Enterprise Institute, and the Swiss National Bank. Dr. Johnston's research interests include macroeconomics, monetary economics, and international economics.  She has presented at more than 75 conferences, including international conferences in Slovakia and Australia, and has taught in the ULM Masters of Business Administration Program in Hong Kong.  Dr. Johnston received the Excellence in Research from the ULM Foundation in 2023, the Faculty Award of Excellence from the ULM Student Government Association in 2015, the ULM Athletic Foundation Faculty Recognition Award in 2024 and 2011, and the ULM Outstanding Professor for the College of Business in 2005.  Dr. Johnston currently holds the Dr. Henry Hu Endowed Professorship of Entrepreneurship.

Research Interests

Macroeconomics, Monetary and International Economics

Recent Publications

Humphries, V., Johnston, T., Sumlin, C., Parker, H. Empirical Investigation of Gender Pay Gap in Faculty Salaries. Baton Rouge, LA: E-Journal of Business and Economic Issues.
Johnston, T. (2024). Why Is It Important To Analyze Interest Rates When Choosing a Personal Loan? (https://www.marketwatch.com/guides/personal-loans/best-personal-loans/#toc-expert-insights-on-personal-loans). MarketWatch Guides.
Johnston, T. (2024). How Many Credit Cards Should You Have. Wallethub.com (https://wallethub.com/edu/cc/how-many-credit-cards-should-i-have/25900#expert=Tammy_Johnston).
Johnston, T. (2024). MoneyGeek: Personal Loans for Fair Credit. MoneyGeek.com (https://www.moneygeek.com/personal-loans/fair-credit/#expert=tammy-johnston).
Johnston, T. (2024). MoneyGeek: Credit Card Balance Transfer. MoneyGeek.com (https://www.moneygeek.com/credit-cards/credit-union/balance-transfer/#expert=tammy-johnston).
Johnston, T. (2024). Insurance in Louisiana. Wallethub.com (https://wallethub.com/cheap-car-insurance/louisiana#experts=Tammy_Johnston).
Johnston, T. (2024). Personal Loans for Bad Credit FAQ. Wallethub.com (https://wallethub.com/personal-loans/bad-credit#tammy_johnston).
Khanfar, A., Grigsby, A., Johnston, T. (2025). Exploring Factors Associated with Selection of Career Choice Between Men and Women: An Exploratory Study Among High School Students (pp. https://www.subr.edu/index.cfm/page/125). E-Journal of Business and Economic Issues.
Johnston, T. (2024). Valentine's Day Spending Survey. Wallethub.com (https://wallethub.com/blog/valentines-day-survey/57387#expert=Tammy_Johnston).
Nelson, P., Johnston, T., Humphries, V., Sumlin, C. (2023). A Regression Analysis of Gender Pay Gaps in Academe (pp. 112-122). Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives.
Nelson, P., Johnston, T., Humphries, V., Sumlin, C. (2023). A Regression Analysis of Gender Pay Gaps in Academia. https://www.aobronline.com/: Academy of Business Research Fall 2023 Conference Proceedings.
Johnston, T. (2023). 2023 Easter Survey. WalletHub.com (https://wallethub.com/blog/easter-survey/72870#expert=Tammy_Johnston).
Johnston, T., Humphries, V., Sumlin, C., Khanfar, A. (2023). The Misguided Power of Generalizations in Gender Pay Studies (pp. 1-12). Monroe: E-Journal of Business and Economic Issues.
Johnston, T. (2023). How Can People Improve Their Credit Score. WalletHub.com (https://wallethub.com/credit-cards/bad-credit/#expert=Tammy_Johnston).
Humphries, V., Johnston, T., Nelson, P. (2023). Regression Analysis of the Gender Wage Gap in Academia (pp. 31-39). Administrative Issues Journal.
Johnston, T., Humphries, V., Tiwari, R. (2022). Media Influence through What Is Reported and How It Is Reported (pp. https://www.subr.edu/page/current-issue). E-Journal of Business and Economic Issues.
Johnston, T. (2022). 2022's States with the Most and Least Student Debt. WalletHub.com (https://wallethub.com/edu/e/best-and-worst-states-for-student-debt/7520#expert=Tammy_Johnston).
Johnston, T. (2022). Top Questions About Credit Cards for Bad Credit & Rebuilding History. MoneyGeek.com (https://www.moneygeek.com/credit-cards/bad-credit/#expert=tammy-johnston).
Johnston, T. (2022). Expert Advice for Finding the Right Card. MoneyGeek.com (https://www.moneygeek.com/credit-cards/cash-back/fair-credit/#expert=tammy-johnston).
Johnston, T. (2022). Ask the Experts: Secured Credit Cards. WalletHub.com (https://wallethub.com/d/citi-secured-credit-card-1524c#expert=tammy_johnston).
Humphries, V., Johnston, T., Nelson, P., Sumlin, C. (2021). Regression Analysis of the Gender Wage Gap in Academia (pp. 27). Institute of Global Research Conference Proceeding (https://www.igbr.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/2021-Fall-Conference-Proceedings.pdf).
Johnston, T. (2022). Analysis of Comovement of Unemployment in Midwestern States (pp. 30-36). Institute of Global Research Conference Proceeding (https://www.igbr.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022-New-Orleans-Conference-Proceedings.pdf).
Johnston, T. (2022). Analysis of the Comovement of Unemployment in Midwestern States (pp. 1-6). https://www.subr.edu/assets/subr/COBJournal/Analysis-of-the-Comovement-of-Unemployment-in-Midwestern-States.pdf: E-Journal of Business and Economic Issues.
Johnston, T. (2021). Ask the Experts: Military Credit Card Perks & Special Programs. WalletHub.com (https://wallethub.com/best-military-credit-cards#expert=Tammy_Johnston).
Humphries, V., Johnston, T., Parker, H. (2021). An Empirical Exposition of the Gender Wage Gap in Academia (pp. 1679-1687). Empirical Economics Letters.
JOHNSTON, T. A. (2021). Ask the Experts: Secured Credit Cards. WalletHub.com (https://wallethub.com/credit-cards/secured/#expert=Tammy_Johnston).
Johnston, T., Humphries, V. (2021). Empirical Investigation of Consumer Confidence: A Case Study of Italy and France (pp. 929-935). Empirical Economics Letters.
Obaid, D., Johnston, T., Khanfar, N. (2020). Monetary Policy and House Price Index: A VAR Analysis for Saudi Arabia (pp. 12-21). Journal of Business Studies Quarterly.
JOHNSTON, T. A. (2020). Ask the Experts: Chase Freedom. WalletHub.com (https://wallethub.com/d/chase-freedom-99c/#expert=tammy-johnston).
Johnston, T. (2020). Safely Navigating the Application Process (pp. https://wallethub.com/easiest-credit-card-to-get#experts=Tammy_Johnston). WalletHub.com.
Humphries, V., JOHNSTON, T. (2020). Empirical Investigation of Macroeconomic Outcomes of NAFTA and USMCA (pp. 171-177). Empirical Economics Letters.
JOHNSTON, T. A. (2019). Ask the Experts: First Credit Cards (pp. https://wallethub.com/credit-cards/first/#expert=Tammy_Johnston). WalletHub.com.
JOHNSTON, T. A. (2019). Ask the Experts: Oktoberfest Budgeting (pp. https://wallethub.com/blog/oktoberfest-facts/24332/#expert=tammy-johnston). WalletHub.com.
Johnston, T., Humphries, V. (2019). Assessment of Knowledge Among College Students Regarding Family-Owned Businesses: A Revisit. IGBR Conference Proceedings.
Johnston, T., Humphries, V. (2019). Assessment of Knowledge Among College Students Regarding Family-Owned Businesses: A Revisit (pp. 18-22). Global Journal of Entrepreneurship.
Johnston, T. A. (2019). 2018 Q4 Credit Card Debt Survey (pp. https://wallethub.com/blog/credit-card-debt-survey/49637/#expert=tammy-johnston). WalletHub.com.
Johnston, T. (2018). Credit Cards for Good Credit (pp. https://wallethub.com/credit-cards/good-credit/#expert=Tammy_Johnston). WalletHub.com.
Johnston, T. (2018). Pros and Cons of Balance Transfer Credit Cards. https://wallethub.com/best-balance-transfer-credit-cards/#tammy-johnston: WalletHub.com.
Johnston, T. (2017). ULM’s Johnston offers tips on improving credit scores. Monroe, LA: ULM Media Relations/ULM News (http://www.ulm.edu/news/2017/0502-ulm-johnston-offers-up-tips-on-improving-credit-scores.html).
Johnston, T. (2017). What tips do you have for a person trying to increase their credit score in a short amount of time?. Monroe: WalletHub.com.
Johnston, T. (2017). Analysis of the Comovement of Unemployment in Southern States. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Proceedings.
Humphries, V., Johnston, T. (2017). Analysis of the Predictability of BREXIT. Allied Academics Proceedings.
Johnston, T., Humphries, V. (2016). Analysis of the Interrelatedness of MENA Countries. Allied Academics Proceedings.
Humphries, V., Johnston, T. (2018). Analysis of the Predictability of BREXIT (pp. 100-107, Volume 17 Issue 1, http://www.eel.my100megs.com/volume-17-number-1.htm). Empirical Economic Letters.
Johnston, T. (2017). Analysis of Comovement of Unemployment in Southern States (pp. 28-33). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Johnston, T., Humphries, V. (2016). Analysis of the Interrelatedness of MENA Countries (pp. 185-192). Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research.
Parker, T., Strickler, C., Banappagari, P. (2012). Wikipedia: Friend or Foe. SBR Conference Proceeding (March).
Johnston, T. (2014). Tips for Connecting with Online Students. Monroe: SBR Conference Proceeding (October).
Johnston, T. A. (2015). Tips for Connecting with Online Students (pp. http://www.sbrconferences.com/jabe.html). Journal of Advancements in Business Education.
Parker, T. A. (2012). A model of organizational nepotism by Bridgette Mulder. In Jones, R. G. Nepotism in Organizations (Chapter based on article written by Parker) (pp. 221-225). Psychology Press/Routledge.
Johnston, T. A., Strickler, C. (2014). Wikipedia: Friend or Foe (pp. http://www.sbrconferences.com/jabe.html). Journal for Advancement of Business Education.
Ograk, U., Parker, T. A. (2012). Economic Comovement Among Emerging Economies with Business Group Influences (pp. 47-51 (http://www.ijbssnet.com/journals/Vol_3_No_4_Special_Issue_February_2012/6.pdf)). International Journal of Business and Social Science.
Stevens, R. E., Parker, T. A., Silver, L., Clow, K. (2012). Perspectives on Text Book Costs by Economics Professors (pp. 1-8). Journal of Interdisciplinary Business Studies.
Nelson, P. S., Parker, T. A. (2011). A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Face to Face, Online and Hybrid Formats in a Principles of Macroeconomics Course (pp. 75-80). Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives.
Parker, T. A., Clow, K. (2010). Use of Powerpoint Slides and Quizzes by Economics Faculty (pp. 75-82). (http://www.alliedacademies.org/Publications/Download.aspx?fid=504): Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research.
Clow, K., Parker, T. A., McConkey, C. W. (2009). Textbook Adoptions: Do Economics Faculty Differ From Other Business Faculty (pp. 21-46). Journal of Business Disciplines.
Clow, K., Parker, T. A., McConkey, C. W. (2009). The Textbook Adoption Process by Economics Professors (pp. 20-28). Journal of Economics and Finance Education.
Parker, T. A., Strickler, C. S. (2009). Comparative Study of Undergraduate Student Preferences Associated with Online Teaching (pp. 178-183). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Parker, T. A., Nelson, P. S. (2009). A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Face to Face, Online and Hybrid Formats in a Principles of Macroeconomics Course (pp. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1412388). Social Science Research Network: Economic Research Network Educator.
Parker, M. E., Parker, T. A., Qayyum, A. (2008). An Empirical Investigation of the Interrelatedness of Selected Middle Eastern Countries (pp. 93-101). Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research.
Parker, T. A., Parker, M. E. (2008). Capital Mobility Between Malaysia and Thailand: An Empirical Investigation (pp. 18-26). European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science.
Parker, T. A. (2008). In Tough Economy, Simplify. Monroe, LA: The News Star.
Parker, T. A., Strickler, C. S. (2008). Comparative Study of Student Preferences Associated with Online Teaching. SOBIE Conference 2008 Proceedings.
Parker, M. E., Parker, T. A. (2008). Electronic Banking in Finland and the Effect on Money Velocity (pp. 20-25). Journal of Money, Investment and Banking.
Clow, K., Parker, T. A., McConkey, C. W. (2007). Textbook Adoption by Economic Professors: A Pilot Study (pp. 19-30). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Parker, T. A., Nelson, P. S. (2007). What Do Successful Students Have in Common (pp. 196-210). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Parker, T. A., Strickler, C. S. (2006). Assessment of Knowledge Among College Students of the Existence of Family-Owned Businesses (pp. 92-95). Business Journal for Entrepreneurs.
Parker, T. A., Parker, M. E. (2006). Common Trends within Industrial Production of Twenty-three Sectors (pp. 167-172). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Parker, T. A., Parker, M. E. (2006). Online Courses and Blackboard: Weapons for Better Educatin Delivery (pp. 64-67). Global Education.
Parker, T. A. (2006). Successful Students: Is Success a Dream or a Reality (pp. 26-28). Global Education.
Sharma, S. C., Kandil, M., Chowdhury, A. R., Parker, T. A. (2006). Substitution Between Money and Near-Monies in Switzerland (pp. 133-154). Journal of Quantitative Economics.
Williamson, S. G., Parker, T. A., Bowman, C. (2006). Developing Educational Programs Specifically Designed for Family-Owned Businesses (pp. 1-5). Dallas, Texas: Business Journal for Entrepreneurs.
Nelson, P. S., Parker, T. A. (2006). Status of Economic Literacy among College Students (pp. 160-165). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Parker, T. A., Parker, M. E. (2005). An Empirical Investigation of Common Business Cycles: NAFTA (pp. 86-92). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Lacho, K., Parker, T. A., Carter, K. (2005). Economic Development Initiatives of African-American Churches in Treme: The Oldest African-American Neighborhood in the United States (pp. 99-109). Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research.
Clow, K., McConkey, C. W., Parker, T. A. (2005). A Comparison of Online Courses to Hybrid Courses (pp. 304-309). Emerging Issues in Business & Technology.
Parker, T. A., Parker, M. E. (2004). Asian Stock Market Empirical Comovement: A Sign of Efficiency or Multi-Country Financial Crisis (pp. http://www.westga.edu/~bquest/2004/comovement.htm). Business Quest.
Eisenstadt, R. C., Nelson, P. S., Parker, T. A. (2004). Critical Success Factors for Inner City Businesses (pp. 16-25). Coastal Business Journal.
Parker, T. A., St. Marie, J. (2004). Labor Mobility of Asian Countries: An Empirical Investigation (pp. 49-59). Journal of Business, Industry and Economics.
Parker, T. A. (2004). A Multi-Level Family Business Choice Model: A Dichotomous Approach (pp. 56-60). Coastal Business Journal.
Parker, T. A., Williams, A. (2004). Teaching Method Preference Analysis of Business Students with Applications to Entrepreneurship Courses (pp. 247-254). Business Journal for Entrepreneurs.
Parker, T. A., Parker, M. E. (2003). An Investigation of the Coverage of Family Business Topics in Entrepreneurship Texts (pp. 164-173). Business Journal for Entrepreneurs.
Parker, T. A., Parker, M. E., Melancon, M. (2003). An Empirical Investigation of the Evidence of Capital Mobility for the US and the UK (pp. 95-103). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Parker, T. A. (2003). Exchange Rate Efficiency and Convergence Criteria of the European Union (pp. 38-54). Journal of Business and Economic Research.
Parker, T. A., Williamson, S. G. (2002). Making the Tough Decisions in Family-Owned Businesses: A Model (pp. 1-14). Business Journal for Entrepreneurs.
Bradley, D., Lacho, K., Parker, T. A. (2002). University Entrepreneurship Programs for High School Students: Three Case Studies (pp. 1-20). Business Journal for Entrepreneurs.
Parker, T. A. (2001). Ouachita Enterprise Community (pp. 38-40). Res Scholaris.
Perry, M., Parker, T. A. (2001). Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty and International Trade: A Study of Aggregate Imports in the G-7 Countries (pp. 81-91). Journal of Economics and Business Studies.
Parker, T. A. (2000). Empirical Evidence of Common Business Cycles within the European Union (pp. 91-101). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Parker, T. A. (2000). Macroeconomic Analysis of Labor Mobility in the European Union (pp. 108-118). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Rapp, T. A., Reddy, N. (2000). The Effect of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on Bilateral Sector Exports (pp. 87-104). Journal of Economics.
Rapp, T. A., Parker, M. E., Phillips, M. (1999). An Empirical Investigation of the Joint Efficiency of the US Stock and Foreign Exchange Markets Utilizing Cointegration and Common Feature Tests (pp. 63-71). Journal of Economics.
Rapp, T. A. (1999). An Investigation of Common Business Cycles among Asian Countries (pp. 51-58). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
Rapp, M. E., Parker, T. A. (1999). An Investigation of the Comovement of Stock Market Indexes utilizing Cointegration and Common Feature Tests (pp. 108-122). Studies in Economics and Finance.
Rapp, T. A., Sharma, S. (1999). Exchange Rate Market Efficiency: Across and Within Countries (pp. 423-439). Journal of Economics and Business.
Rapp, T. A. (1999). Promoting Entrepreneurship Through a Family Business Assistance Program (pp. 107-110). Perspectives in Higher Education Reform.
Rapp, T. A., Sharma, S. (1999). The Effects of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on Aggregate Exports (pp. 15-34). Journal of Business and Economic Studies.
Rapp, T. A. (1998). Comments on AUDEM Conference in Slovakia (pp. 33). Res Scholaris.

Awards & Honors

September 2024 ULM Sunbelt Conference Faculty of the Year.

April 2024 Phi Kappa Phi ULM Chapter Faculty Honoree Inductee.

November 2023 ABR Conference Best Paper in Accounting/Finance/Economics Division. Paper entitled "A Regression Analysis of Gender Pay Gaps in Academia.".

October 2023 1st Place SAFIS/Undergraduate (Faculty Mentor for Poster Entitled "ULM Student Usage of Cable Study.

October 2023 1st Place SAFIS/MBA (Faculty Mentor for Poster Entitled "Can Personal Career Choice Explain the Gender Pay Gap".

April 2023 Distinguished Paper Award.

2023 ULM Researcher of the Year/Dr. Kenneth Clow Award for Excellence in Research.

November 2019 AWS Woman of Distinction.

2018-2025 Dr. Henry Hu Endowed Professorship in Entrepreneurship.

2015 Faculty Award of Excellence.

March 2013 Best Paper Award--Economics Division.

2013 ULM Endowed Faculty Fellowship (2010-2013).

2011 ULM Athletic Foundation Faculty Recognition Award.

2009 ULM Endowed Professor for Entrepreneurship (1998-2004 and 2006 -2009).

2005 Outstanding Professor for the College of Business.

2005 Outstanding Intellectual Contributions Award for the CBA.

2005 Distinguished Researcher Award.

2004 Outstanding Intellectual Contributions Award for the CBA.

2002 Outstanding Intellectual Contributions Award for the CBA.

2000 Outstanding Honors Colloquium Presenter.

Courses Taught

ECON 1003Contemp Eco Issues, 1 course(s)



ECON 3001MONEY & BANKING, 54 course(s)

ENTR 4035Family/Closely-Held Busn, 4 course(s)