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Prasanthi Sreekumari
Associate Professor
School of Acctg, Finan, & Info Serv
HEMP 349
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Prasanthi Sreekumari, PhD
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Accreditation Coordinator


Ph D

2012, Computer Engineering
Pusan National University


2006, Computer Science
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University


2003, Computer Applications
Madurai Kamaraj University

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Prasanthi Sreekumari is an esteemed computer scientist with expertise in Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, and Data Science. She currently holds the prestigious Kitty Degree Endowed Professorship in Computer Science at the University of Louisiana Monroe (ULM), where she also serves as an Associate Professor and Accreditation Coordinator. Dr. Sreekumari earned her Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Pusan National University, South Korea, where her research focused on enhancing TCP performance over wireless networks through efficient loss recovery algorithms.

Dr. Sreekumari's academic career includes tenured Associate Professor at Grambling State University (GSU), where she also served as Interim Department Head and Title III Activity Director for Cybersecurity & Cloud Computing. Also, she contributed to curriculum development, accreditation (ABET and SACSCOC) efforts, and the establishment of an Ethical Hacking Lab. Her research is widely published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at various IEEE international conferences, furthering the fields of networking and cybersecurity.

In addition to her academic roles, Dr. Sreekumari is actively engaged in leadership positions, including serving as the Chair of the Computer Science Section in the Louisiana Academy of Sciences and as the Chair of the Track Section on Generative AI and its Applications at the 22nd International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations. These roles underscore her dedication to advancing research and collaboration in emerging technologies like artificial intelligence.

With significant grants secured for educational initiatives, including over $2.2 million for Cybersecurity and IT projects from DoD, DoE, CEMC BoR and Amazon. She has mentored numerous students, guiding them in research, competitions, and career development.

Licensure & Certification

Empowering AI Literacy ., University of Louisiana System. (July 19 2024 - Present)
AWS Instructor and PPoC, . (March 2024 - Present)
Apple Teacher, Apple. (2022 - Present)
ABET Professional Development, ABET. (2022 - Present)
Block Chain Essentials, IBM. (2021 - Present)
APPQMR Online Teaching, Quality Matters. (2020 - Present)
DYOC Online Teaching, Quality Matters. (2020 - Present)

Recent Publications

. Prasanthi Sreekumari, "Malware detection techniques based on deep learning", 2020 IEEE 6th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing,(HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS), Pages 65-70, Publisher IEEE, 2020..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, "Implementation of an Acknowledgment and Signature Based Intrusion Detection System for MANETS", 16th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations (ITNG 2019), Pages 633-635, Publisher Springer International, 2019..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, "Multiple congestion points and congestion reaction mechanisms for improving DCTCP performance in data center networks", Journal- Information, Vol 9, Issue 6, Pages 139, Publisher MDPI, 2018..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari,"Privacy-preserving keyword search schemes over encrypted cloud data: an extensive analysis", 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing,(HPSC) and IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS), Pages 1140120, Publisher IEEE, 2018..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, "Rate Adjustment Mechanism for Controlling Incast Congestion in Data Center Networks", 2018, Information Technology-New Generations: 14th International Conference on Information Technology, Pages 95-100, Publisher Springer, 2018..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, Jae-il Jung, Meejeong Lee," A simple and efficient approach for reducing TCP timeouts due to lack of duplicate acknowledgments in data center networks", 2016, Journal- Cluster Computing, Vol 19, Pages 633-645, Publisher Springer..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, Jae-Il Jung, Meejeong Lee, "An early congestion feedback and rate adjustment schemes for many-to-one communication in cloud-based data center networks", Journal- Photonic Network Communications, Vol 31, Pahes 23-35, Publisher Springer..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, Jae-il Jung, "Transport protocols for data center networks: a survey of issues, solutions and challenges", Journal- Photonic Network Communications, Vol 31, Pages 112-128, Publisher Springer..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, Meejeong Lee, "Adjusting the TCP sending rate and retransmissions after retransmission timeouts based on one-way queuing delay in wireless mesh network", Journal- Wireless personal communications, Vol 77, Publisher Springer, 2014..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, Sang-Hwa Chung, Meejeong Lee, Won-Suk Kim, "T-DLRP: Detection of fast retransmission losses using TCP timestamp for improving the end-to-end performance of TCP over wireless networks", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol 9, Issue 12, Publisher Sage..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, Meejeong Lee, "TCP NRT: a new TCP algorithm for differentiating non-congestion retransmission timeouts over multihop wireless networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol 2013, Pages 1-20, Publisher Springer..
. S Prasanthi, Meejeong Lee, Sang-Hwa Chung, "A sender side algorithm for handling retransmission timeouts of tcp newreno over multi-hop wireless networks", 2013 IEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), Pages 661-665, Publisher IEEE..
. S Prasanthi, Meejeong Lee, " An efficient TCP algorithm for differentiating random packet losses from spurious retransmission timeouts in multi-hop wireless networks", 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication & 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, Pages 1167-1172, Publisher IEEE..
. S Prasanthi, Sang-Hwa Chung, Yong-Hyun Jo, "A new loss recovery algorithm for increasing the performance of TCP over wireless mesh networks", 2012 IEEE 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Pages 229-236, Publisher IEEE..
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, Sang-Hwa Chung, "TCP NCE: A unified solution for non-congestion events to improve the performance of TCP over wireless networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol 2011, Pages 1-20, Publisher Springer, 2011.
. Prasanthi Sreekumari, Sang-Hwa Chung, Won-Suk Kim, "A Timestamp based Detection of fast retransmission loss for improving the performance of TCP NewReno over wireless networks", 2011 IEEE 7th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), Pages 60-67, Publisher IEEE..
. S Prasanthi, Sang-Hwa Chung, Won-Suk Kim, "An enhanced tcp scheme for distinguishing non-congestion losses from packet reordering over wireless mesh networks", 2011 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, Pages 440-447, Publisher IEEE..
. S Prasanthi, Sang-Hwa Chung, Changwoo Ahn, "An enhanced tcp mechanism for detecting and differentiating the loss of retransmisssions over wireless networks", 2011 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Pages 54-61, Publisher IEEE..
. S Prasanthi, Sang-Hwa Chung, "A new TCP mechanism for reducing retransmission timeouts over multi-hop wireless networks", Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Pages- 498-505, Publisher-ACM..
. Mi-Young Park, Sang-Hwa Chung, Prasanthi Sreekumari, "Comparison of End-to-End Loss Differentiation Algorithms in Multi-hop Wireless Networks", 2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Vol 2, Pages 22-27, Publisher- IEEE..
. MY Park, SH Chung, P Sreekumari, "End-to-end loss differentiation algorithm based on estimation of queue usage in multi-hop wireless networks", IEICE transactions on information and systems, Volume 92, Issue 10, Pages 2082-2093, Publisher:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Year: 2009..
. MY Park, SH Chung, P Sreekumari, "Estimating rate of queue usage to differentiate cause of packet loss in multi-hop wireless networks", 2009 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Volume 1, Pages 500-508, Publisher IEEE..

Research Grants

Sreekumari, P. (Principal), "CyberSkills Initiative: Building Tomorrow’s Cybersecurity Professionals for the Louisiana Workforce" (Not Funded), Sponsored By Cybersecurity Education Management Council, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $236,510. (June 2024 - June 2025).
Sreekumari, P. (Principal), "From Classroom to Career: Essential Skills for Developing Cybersecurity Professionals" (Funded), Sponsored By Cybersecurity Education Management Council, Louisiana Board of Regents, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $234,822. (June 2023 - January 2024).
Sreekumari, P. (Co-Principal), "Connecting the Grambling State University Community to Reliable Broadband Service and Preparing Information Technology Leaders" (Funded), Sponsored By NTIA, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $2.2M. (March 2023 - January 2024).
Sreekumari, P. (Principal), "A Comprehensive Enhancement Program for Cybersecurity & Cloud Computing at Grambling State University" (Funded), Sponsored By Title III, DoE Award, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $150,000. (October 2022 - October 2023).
Sreekumari, P. (Principal), "Cybersecurity and Cloud Computing Summer Training for High School Students" (Funded), Sponsored By Amazon, The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $3000. (June 2023 - July 2023).
Sreekumari, P. (Principal), "AWS Finish Line Grant" (Funded), Sponsored By AWS, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $10,000. (October 2022 - July 2023).

Awards & Honors

Section Chair of Computer Science-Louisiana Academy of Sciences.

Kitty DeGree Endowed Professorship in Computer Science.

March 2023 Outstanding Service Award, .

May 2019 Outstanding Achievement Award, Faculty Research Symposium, Grambling State University.

Courses Taught