faculty portrait if available
John Rakus
Assistant Professor
School of Sciences
CNSB 204
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John Rakus, PhD
Assistant Professor, Chemistry


Ph D

2009, Biochemistry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


2004, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Richmond

Biographical Sketch

I am a biochemist who originally grew up in Livonia, NY. I majored in biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Richmond, with minors in Greek and Biology. I received my Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and completed my postdoctoral appointment with Dr. Lara Mahal, then at New York University. I have taught at Fort Lewis College and Marshall University before coming to ULM in July, 2021. 

I teach the biochemistry lecture and lab courses as well as general chemistry labs. My research interests are in the roles of protein glycosylation in regulating the immune response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation.

In my spare time, I enjoy running, reading (particularly historical non-fiction about the pre-Civil War US), watching hockey, and Star Trek!

Research Interests

The roles of protein glycosylation in regulating the immune response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation.

Recent Publications

Rakus, J. F. Impact of CURE duration on student learning and attitudes. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society.
DeChenne-Peters, S. E., Rakus, J. F., Parente, A. D., Mans, T. L., Eddy, R., Galport, N., Koletar, C., Provost, J. J., Bell, J. E., Bell, J. K. (2023). Length of course-based undergraduate research experiences (CURE) impacts student learning and attitudinal outcomes: a study of the Malate dehydrogenase CUREs Community (MCC) (pp. e0282170). San Francisco, CA: PLOS ONE.

Research Grants

Rakus, J. F. (Co-Principal), "New to IUSE: EDU DCL: Journal of CURE (JoCURE): a student centered, open access, peer-reviewed journal" (Pending Funding Decision), Sponsored By National Science Foundation, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $42249. (September 1 2024 - August 31 2030).
Rakus, J. F. (Principal), Barnett, H. (Co-Principal), El-Giar, E. (Co-Principal), Murru, S. (Co-Principal), Barnett, H. (Supporting), Findley, A. (Supporting), Findley, G. (Supporting), Garlapati, S. (Supporting), Jois, S. (Supporting), "Use of State-of-the-Art Instrumentation to Enhance Undergraduate Chemistry Education at UL-Monroe" (Not Funded), Sponsored By Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $314429. (June 1 2023 - May 31 2028).
Rakus, J. (Co-Principal), "New to IUSE: EDU DCL: Journal of CURE (JoCURE): a student centered, open access, peer-reviewed journal" (Not Funded), Sponsored By National Science Foundation, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $42793. (July 1 2023 - June 30 2026).
Rakus, J. F. (Principal), "Characterization of Hsc70 interactions regulating LPS stimulated RAW264.7 cells" (Pending Funding Decision), Sponsored By Louisiana Biomedical Research Network, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $68720. (May 1 2024 - April 30 2025).
Rakus, J. F. (Principal), "Characterization of Hsc70 interactions regulating LPS stimulated RAW264.7 cells" (Funded), Sponsored By Louisiana Biomedical Research Network, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $68720. (May 1 2022 - May 31 2024).
Rakus, J. F. (Principal), "Lipopolysaccharide stimulation of RAW264.7 cells as a model for identifying novel clients of Hsc70, establishment of a research program at a primarily undergraduate institute in Louisiana" (Not Funded), Sponsored By Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $20000. (June 1 2022 - May 31 2023).
Barnett, H. (Principal), Barnett, H. (Co-Principal), Rakus, J. (Co-Principal), Findley, G. (Co-Principal), Findley, A. (Co-Principal), Overturf, M. (Co-Principal), Garlapati, S. (Co-Principal), "Acquisition of a Fluorescence Spectrometer System to Enhance Education and Research" (Not Funded), Sponsored By Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $60544. (June 1 2022 - March 31 2023).

Courses Taught



CHEM 3050BIOCHEMISTRY I, 7 course(s)

CHEM 3051BIOCHEMISTRY LAB I, 3 course(s)

CHEM 3052BIOCHEMISTRY II, 3 course(s)