Heather Pilcher
Associate Professor
University Library
ULIB 505

Heather R Pilcher, MSLS
Associate Professor, University Library
Coordinator of Special Collections
2014, History
University of Louisiana Monroe
Biographical Sketch
I have been the Coordinator of Special Collections in the ULM Library since 2017. I began working in the ULM Library in 2002. I earned my MSLS at the University of North Texas Denton in 2008 and my MS in History from this university in 2014.
Research Interests
I am interested in historical research, with a focus on the social and cultural norms of the different times periods. Regarding these norms, I have a particular interest in the social environment created by people groups during the Hitler era of Nazi Germany as well as the slavery and segregation periods in America. Another area of interest is the John F. Kennedy assassination and its effects on the following decades.
Creative Works
Historical Online Exhibit, Archives Photograph Collection. Monroe, Louisiana: ULM Digital Repository. (2022).
Historical Online Exhibit, Gunby Letters Home. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana Digital Library. (2018).
Recent Publications
Pilcher, H. R., Robertson, C. L. (2018). The Campus History Series: University of Louisiana Monroe (pp. 128). Charleston, South Carolina: Arcadia Publishing.
Pilcher, H. R., Ridpath, S. L. (2011). Images of America: Atlanta, Texas (pp. 127). Charleston, South Carolina: Arcadia Publishing.
Pilcher, H. (2016). LAMA Newsletter: Archives News From Around The State (pp. Page 6). New Orleans, Louisiana/Louisiana Archives Manuscripts Association: Louisiana Archives Manuscripts Association.
Pilcher, H. (2013). Presidential Correspondence Year Index (pp. 5 Microsoft Excel Worksheets). Monroe, LA: University of Louisiana, Monroe.
Pilcher, H. (2013). Presidential Papers (pp. 5 Microsoft Excel Worksheets). Monroe, LA: University of Louisiana, Monroe.
Pilcher, H. (2007). Annotated Bibliographic Sources for the Historical Research of Monroe, Louisiana (pp. 12). Monroe, LA: Bound at University of Louisiana, Monroe.
Research Grants
Morgan, P. (Co-Principal), Robertson, C. (Supporting), Lowe, M. (Supporting), "Rebirth CARES Grant" (), Sponsored By Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, External to The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $2,200. (January 23 2020 - December 3 2021).