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Jessica Louque
Assistant Professor
University Library
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Jessica G Louque, MPA
Assistant Professor, University Library
Coordinator of Public Services



2021, Non-Profit Administration
University of Louisiana at Monroe


2009, Library and Information Science
University of North Texas


1998, English
University of Louisiana at Monroe

faculty feature photo

Biographical Sketch

In 2008, I started my Master of Science in Library Science and completed the degree in 2009. I joined the faculty of ULM Library in 2017 and began working as a Visiting General Reference Librarian. A few months later, a permanent position came open, and I applied for and was appointed to the General Reference Librarian position. I started my Masters of Public Administration in 2017 and graduated in December of 2021. I serve as a library liaison to the departments in the College of Arts, Education, and Sciences, and am the Coordinator of Public Services for the library. As a librarian for ULM, my primary activities are to help faculty and students with navigating the databases and finding resources, supervise the reference librarians, conduct research, teach, and serve on various committees.

Recent Publications

Louque, J. G. (2019). Book review of Information literacy and libraries in the age of fake news (pp. 195). Libraries Unlimited.
Louque, J. G. (2018-2019). ULM Library Blog.
Louque, J. G. (2019). Book review of Muslims in story: expanding multicultural understanding through children's and young adult literature (pp. 208). Libraries Unlimited.
Louque, J. G. (2023). ULM Library internal criteria for tenure and promotion.
Louque, J. G. (2021). Exploring the value of communities of practice in academic libraries (pp. 54-76). Monroe, Louisiana: Codex/Louisiana Chapter of ACRL.
Louque, J. G. (2018-2020). ULM Library News.

Awards & Honors

October 2019 Best Outreach Program.

September 2018 Social Media Guru.

August 2017 Outstanding Presenter Award.

Courses Taught