faculty portrait if available
Scot Humes
School of Visual & Performing Arts
BIED 264
ULM logo

Scot A Humes, DMA
Professor, Music



2004, Clarinet Performance
Stony Brook University


1997, Clarinet Performance
Ball State University


1995, Clarinet Performance
Oberlin Conservatory of Music

faculty feature photo

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Scot A Humes is Professor at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, joining the faculty in the fall of 2006. His duties include teaching applied Clarinet and Saxophone, Sophomore Aural Skills, and Woodwind Techniques.

Humes is Principal Clarinet of the Monroe Symphony Orchestra (LA) and the Vashon Opera Orchestra (WA), and performs frequently in the clarinet sections of the Shreveport Symphony, Texarkana (TX) Symphony, Rapides Symphony, Lake Charles Symphony, and South Arkansas Symphony. As soloist he has performed the Mozart Clarinet Concerto with the Peconic Chamber Orchestra, Frank Martin’s Concerto for 7 Wind Instruments, Percussion and String Orchestra with the Stony Brook Symphony under the direction of Leon Fleischer, C.M. von Weber’s Concertino on tour with the University of Louisiana at Monroe Wind Ensemble, and Weber Concerto No. 2 with the Monroe Symphony Orchestra, and John Williams' Viktor's Tale with the Shreveport Symphony.  He has given numerous recitals and master classes at schools such as the Sydney Conservatory of Music, Luther College, the University of Southern Mississippi, Piedmont College Conservatory of Music, Winona State University, and Mississippi College, with frequent performances at the International Clarinet Association conferences, the Southern Conference of the College Music Society, Michigan State University Clarinet Spectacular Day, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and at the Gryperio Cultural Center in Mykonos, Greece. His activities as a clinician include presentations at the Louisiana Music Educators Association and Texas Music Educators Association conventions, the Mississippi Music Teachers Association, and adjudication for numerous chamber music and concerto competitions, as well as the Semi-Final round of the Young Artist Competition at conferences of the International Clarinet Association.

A proponent of new music, Humes has worked with contemporary composers Tao Li, Ingrid Stolzel, Anthony Donofrio, Philip Schuessler, Frank Ticheli, Chen Yi, Libby Larsen, Eric Ewazen, and Gwyneth Walker (among many others), and has performed in the Electroacoustic Juke Joint and the New Music on the Bayou contemporary music festivals. Recordings include the world premiere of Downwind of Roses in Maine commissioned from composer Libby Larsen, Buffalo Gals and Other Songs by composer Gwyneth Walker, both available on the composers websites, a SoundSpells release of Meyer Kupferman’s Structures with the Stony Brook Contemporary Chamber Players, Black Sky Hates The Moon, a contemporary opera by composer Max Duykers, and the self-titled CD "duo per se" released by Centaur Records, Inc. in March of 2023.

As a founding member of duo per se, immediate success of the duo includes recitals at the Bulgarian Embassy in Washington D.C. and the 92nd Street Y in New York.  As a featured ensemble at the New Music on the Bayou festival, the duo has premiered works written for them with premieres in the USA and in Europe. A 2019 recital tour with a recital and master class at the Sydney Conservatory of Music, recitals in Christchurch and Auckland, NZ; and adjudication, recital, and master classes at the APMA Auckland Music Festival were highlights of pre-Covid activity.  The duo is released a self-titled CD in March 2023.

Dr. Humes graduated from Stony Brook University with a Doctor of Musical Arts degree, Ball State University with a Master of Music, and the Oberlin Conservatory with a Bachelor of Music. His teachers include Caroline Hartig, Daniel Gilbert, Alan Kay, Lawrence McDonald, and Charles Neidich.

Scot Humes is a Silverstein Artist and an Henri Selmer Paris Artist performing on Selmer Seles Présence clarinets.

Creative Works

Music Performance - Participation, 2023 New Music on the Bayou Festival, Monroe and Ruston, LA. (May 31 2023).
Music - Adjudicator, Clinician, or Consultant, 2023 Silverstein Clarinet Contest - Senior Division.: Silverstein Works. (June 1 2023).
Music - Adjudicator, Clinician, or Consultant, Silverstein Global Clarinet Contest, Ridgefield, NJ: Silverstein Works. (February 15 2020).
Music Performance - Partial Chamber Recital, ClarinetFest - International Clarinet Association Conference, Fort Worth, TX: International Clarinet Association. (July 13 2025).
Music Performance - Partial Chamber Recital, ClarinetFest - International Clarinet Association Conference, Fort Worth, TX: International Clarinet Association. (July 11 2025).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra - MW 5 - The Planets, Shreveport, LA. (January 25 2025).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, The Nutcracker, Shreveport, LA: Shreveport Metro Ballet. (December 14 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Tosca, Shreveport, LA: Shreveport Opera. (November 2 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Fiddler on the Roof, Monroe, LA: Louisiana Lyric Opera. (May 18 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Fiddler on the Roof, Ruston, LA: Ruston Community Theater. (July 18 2024).
Music Performance - Participation, Summer Wind Ensemble Concert, Monroe, LA: ULM. (June 24 2024).
Music - Adjudicator, Clinician, or Consultant, Silverstein Clarinet Contest, Online: Silverstein Works. (April 23 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Shreveport Symphony Season Finale: Beethoven & Rachmaninoff, Shreveport, LA. (May 4 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Monroe Symphony "Syth" Symphony, Monroe, LA. (April 27 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Pops on the River, Alexandria, LA: Rapides Symphony Orchestra. (April 20 2024).
Music Performance - Participation, 2024 ClarinetFest, Dublin, Ireland: International Clarinet Association. (August 2 2024).
Music Performance - Free-lance, Annie - the musical, Ruston, LA Ruston, LA: Dixie Center for the Arts. (June 20 2024).
Music Performance - Participation, 2024 New Music on the Bayou Festival, Monroe and Ruston, LA. (June 5 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (May 4 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Monroe Symphony Orchestra, Monroe, LA. (April 27 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (March 23 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (March 3 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (March 2 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, South Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, El Dorado, AR. (February 24 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Monroe Symphony Orchestra, Monroe, LA. (February 17 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Texarkana Symphony Orchestra, Texarkana, TX. (February 3 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (January 27 2024).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Monroe Symphony Orchestra, Monroe, LA. (December 19 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (December 16 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Ballet Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (December 9 2023).
Music Performance - Participation, Kaleidoscope, Monroe, LA. (November 28 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (November 18 2023).
Music Performance - Full Chamber Recital, MSO Presents - Mozart and Weber Quintets, Monroe, LA. (November 9 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (October 22 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Monroe Symphony Orchestra, Monroe, LA. (October 14 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Texarkana Symphony Orchestra, Texarkana, TX. (October 7 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, 5 Priests - Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (October 8 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Shreveport Opera Gala, Shreveport, LA. (September 29 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (September 24 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Shreveport, LA. (September 23 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Rapides Symphony Orchestra, Alexandria, LA. (September 9 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Rigoletto, Vashon, WA: Vashon Opera. (May 5-7 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Rigoletto, Vashon, WA: Vashon Opera. (May 5-7 2023).
Music Performance - Participation, Mack Wilberg - Requiem, Monroe, LA: First Methodist Monroe. (April 7 2023).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Vashon Opera - Ariadne auf Naxos, Vashon, WA. (September 2 2022).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Symphony of Illusions, Shreveport, LA: Shreveport Symphony Orchestra. (April 2 2022).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Frank and Ella Together, Texarkana, TX: Texarkana Symphony Orchestra. (March 5 2022).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Exotic Inspirations, Texarkana, TX: Texarkana Symphony Orchestra. (February 5 2022).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, "John-Henry Crawford plays Haydn", Shreveport, LA: Shreveport Symphony Orchestra. (January 29 2022).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, "Emergence", Shreveport, LA: Shreveport Symphony Orchestra. (January 26 2022).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Vashon Opera - Gala Concert & Cavalleria Rusticana, Vashon, WA: Vashon Opera. (November 7 2021).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony - Holiday Celebration in Louisiana, Shreveport, LA: Shreveport Symphony Orchestra. (December 19 2020).
Music Performance - Partial Chamber Recital, Monroe Symphony Orchestra Presents: A Virtual Chamber Music Concert, Monroe, LA: Monroe Symphony Orchestra. (October 27 2020).
Music Performance - Guest Soloist, ULM Jazz Ensemble Concert, Monroe, LA. (October 15 2020).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Happy Birthday, Ludwig!, Texarkana, AR: Texarkana Symphony Orchestra. (November 7 2020).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Mozart - Gran Partita, Shreveport, LA: Shreveport Symphony Orchestra. (October 25 2020).
Music Performance - Full Solo Recital, UAB Clarinet Symposium, Birmingham, AL: University of Alabama at Birmingham. (March 7 2020).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Holiday Traditions, Alexandria, LA: The Rapides Symphony Orchestra. (December 8 2019).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony - Opening Night Orchestra Spectacular: Tchaikovsky's 5th, Shreveport, LA. (September 21 2019).
Music Performance - Participation, The Wind Ensemble, Monroe, LA: The University of Louisiana at Monroe. (October 8 2019).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, La Traviata - The Vashon Opera, Vashon, WA. (September 13 2019).
Music - Adjudicator, Clinician, or Consultant, Auckland Music Festival - Woodwinds Competition, Auckland, New Zealand Auckland, New Zealand: Asia Pacific Music Association. (October 2 2019).
Music Conducting - University or Other Ensemble, Regular, NELA Clarinet Choir, Monroe, LA. (May 5 2019).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, The Phantom of the Opera - ULM production, Monroe, LA. (March 21-24 2019).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, ULM Opera Production - Phantom of the Opera, Monroe, LA. (March 21-24 2019).
Music Composition - Other Work, Publication, The Parliament of Reeds, Ostend, Belgium: International Clarinet Association. (July 9 2018).
Music Conducting - University or Other Ensemble, NELA Clarinet Choir, Monroe, LA. (December 2 2018).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Vashon Opera - Puccini: La Boheme, Vashon, WA. (September 16 2018).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony - Opening Night: Pictures at an Exhibition, Shreveport, LA. (September 22 2018).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Vashon Opera - Mozart "The Magic Flute", Vashon, WA. (May 18 2018).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Rapides Symphony - Pops on the River, Alexandria, LA. (September 30 2017).
Music Performance - Participation, Ohio State University Clarinet Ensemble, Orlando, FL: International Clarinet Association. (July 28 2017).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Northminster Church Presents - Mozart Requiem, Monroe, LA. (April 11 2017).
Music Performance - Partial Chamber Recital, Artist Recital, Orlando, FL: International Clarinet Association. (July 29 2017).
Music Performance - Free-lance, New Music On the Bayou, Ruston and Monroe, LA. (June 3 2017).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Vashon Opera - Tosca, Vashon, WA. (May 21 2017).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony - Season Finale: Bolero, Shreveport, LA. (May 6 2017).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Shreveport Ballet - Peter Pan, Shreveport, LA. (April 23 2017).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra - An Evening with the Blade Family, Shreveport, LA. (April 8 2017).
Music Performance - Participation, Twin City Concert Band, West Monroe, LA. (March 13 2017).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Shreveport Opera - Fiddler on the Roof, Shreveport, LA Shreveport, LA: Shreveport Opera. (March 4 2017).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Shreveport Metropolitan Ballet - The Nutcracker, Shreveport, LA. (December 11 2016).
Music Conducting - Non-Prof Ensemble, Regular, Christmas Canticles, Bastrop, LA: First United Methodist Church of Bastrop. (December 18 2016).
Music Performance - Participation, Twin City Concert Band, West Monroe, LA. (October 17 2016).
Music - Adjudicator, Clinician, or Consultant, Young Artists Competition, Semi-Final Round, Lawrence, KS: International Clarinet Association. (August 6 2016).
Music Performance - Participation, New Music on the bayou, Monroe and Ruston, LA. (June 1 2016).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Lake Charles Symphony Orchestra, Lake Charles, Louisiana. (April 16 2016).
Music Performance - Participation, ULM Wind Ensemble, Monroe, LA. (April 14 2016).
Music Performance - Participation, The Music of Composers Mel Mobley and Kyle Gullings, Monroe, LA. (February 23 2016).
Music Performance - Participation, ULM Wind Ensemble and University Chorale, Monroe, LA. (February 22 2016).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Pagliacci Palooza, Vashon, WA: Vashon Opera. (May 15 2016).
Music Performance - Participation, A Festival Of Lessons and Carols, Bastrop, LA Bastrop, LA: First United Methodist Church. (December 20 2015).
Music Performance - Participation, The Russ-Town Band "Christmas at the Dixie", Ruston, LA. (December 18 2015).
Music Performance - Free-lance, First United Methodist Church Christmas Cantata, Bastrop, LA. (December 20 2015).
Music Performance - Free-lance, First United Methodist Church Christmas Cantata, West Monroe, LA. (December 6 2015).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Shreveport Symphony - Rising Stars, Masterworks #3, Shreveport, LA. (November 21 2015).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, Shreveport Symphony - Cirque du Symphonie, Shreveport, LA. (October 31 2015).
Music - Adjudicator, Clinician, or Consultant, TEDxULM, Monroe, LA: ULM. (October 16 2015).
Music Performance - Participation, Faculty Showcase Recital Hour, Monroe, LA. (September 3 2015).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, South Pacific, Monroe, LA: Strauss Theater and Monroe Symphony Orchestra. (July 10 2015).
Music Performance - Full Chamber Recital, NELA Clarinet Choir: Moodlight In The Gardens - Biedenharn Museum, Monroe, LA. (June 5 2015).
Music Performance - Full Chamber Recital, One Mile of Love, West Monroe, Louisiana. (June 26 2015).
Music Performance - Participation, Twin City Community Band - Patriotic Concert, West Monroe, Louisiana. (July 2 2015).
Music Performance - Participation, Russtown Band - Peach Festival Patriotic Concert, Ruston, Louisiana. (June 27 2015).
Music Conducting - University or Other Ensemble, Regular, NELA Clarinet Choir, Monroe, LA. (May 3 2015).
Music Performance - Participation, A Student Recital, Monroe, LA. (March 26 2015).
Music Performance - Participation, ULM Wind Ensemble - Denison High School, Denison, TX (March 31, 2015). (March 31 2015).
Music Performance - Participation, ULM Wind Ensemble - Pine View High School, Longview, TX (March 30, 2015). (March 30 2015).
Music Performance - Participation, ULM Wind Ensemble, Monroe, LA. (April 16 2015).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Other, Rapides Symphony Orchestra, Alexandria, LA. (March 14 2015).
Music Performance - Symphony Orchestra Member, Principal, West Side Story, Monroe, LA (March 26-29, 2015). (March 26 2015).
Music Performance - Participation, World Premiere - "Alcott Songs for soprano and chamber winds octet", Monroe, LA. (March 1 2015).

Recent Publications

Humes, S. (2023). duo per se. Baton Rouge, LA: Centaur Records, Inc., CRC3999.
Humes, S. (2022). Chamber Music: Mark Prince Lee. Franklin, TN: Leerstelle Music.
Humes, S. A. (2022). Flower Cat - "Dr Diego". Cadiz: ClarinetMagazine.online / International Journal of Music / MTD Entertainment.
Humes, S. (2021). Pastorale: Darius Milhaud. Anniston, AL: Potenza Music.
Stephenson, J. M. (2018). Liquid Melancholy - Clarinet Music of James M. Stephenson. Chicago, IL: Cedille Records.
Stephenson, J. M. (2019). Double Dog Dare. Stephenson Music, Inc..
Stephenson, J. M. (2018). Yehtudes - a series of 12 etudes for clarinet. James M. Stephenson.
Humes, S. A. "Untitled Wedding Project". Studio City, CA: Trium Entertainment, LLC.
Humes, S. A. (2009). NACWPI Journal (pp. 24). Kirksville, Missouri: National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors.
Humes, S. A. (2008). You and Music. Monroe, LA: Ecoutez Press, Ltd..

Research Grants

Humes, S. A. (Principal), "Luther College Performance" (Funded), Sponsored By CAES Salary Recovery Funds, The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $1205.16. (January 31 2015 - February 7 2015).

Awards & Honors

July 2022 Leon Hammonds Endowed Professorship in Music.

March 2022 Nominee - 2022 Artist of the Year Award.

April 2021 Nominee - 2021 Volunteer of the Year Award.

July 2019 Emy-Lou Biedenharn 2nd Endowed Professorship in Music.

April 2018 Honorary Membership.

March 2018 Nominee - 2018 Artist of the Year.

March 2017 Nominee - 2017 Artist of the Year.

February 2012 Nominee - 2011 Artist of the Year.

March 2009 Nominee - 2009 Volunteer of the Year.

Courses Taught


MSED 4001SPECIAL PROBLEMS, 4 course(s)


MSED 5007Woodwind Pedagogy, 2 course(s)

MUSC 1000RECITAL HOUR, 47 course(s)

MUSC 1001Fund Music Theory, 1 course(s)

MUSC 1002Music Theory I, 1 course(s)

MUSC 1004Music Theory II, 1 course(s)

MUSC 1031CLARINET, 24 course(s)

MUSC 1032ALTO SAXOPHONE, 23 course(s)

MUSC 1048CLARINET, 24 course(s)

MUSC 1049SAXOPHONE, 25 course(s)

MUSC 1091ENJOYMENT OF MUSIC, 14 course(s)


MUSC 2000RECITAL HOUR, 50 course(s)

MUSC 2003AURAL SKILLS III, 15 course(s)

MUSC 2005AURAL SKILLS IV, 14 course(s)

MUSC 2011WOODWIND ENSEMBLE, 15 course(s)

MUSC 2031CLARINET, 21 course(s)

MUSC 2032Alto Saxophone, 3 course(s)

MUSC 2048CLARINET, 27 course(s)

MUSC 2049SAXOPHONE, 30 course(s)

MUSC 3000RECITAL HOUR, 47 course(s)

MUSC 3015WOODWIND CLASS, 12 course(s)

MUSC 3048CLARINET, 21 course(s)

MUSC 3049SAXOPHONE, 21 course(s)

MUSC 3090HALF RECITAL, 10 course(s)

MUSC 4000RECITAL HOUR, 48 course(s)

MUSC 4002Perform/Ensemble, 6 course(s)

MUSC 4034CHAMBER MUSIC, 24 course(s)

MUSC 4048CLARINET, 22 course(s)

MUSC 4049SAXOPHONE, 23 course(s)

MUSC 4074FORM AND ANALYSIS, 9 course(s)

MUSC 4090FULL RECITAL, 8 course(s)

MUSC 5048Clarinet, 4 course(s)

MUSC 5049SAXOPHONE, 16 course(s)

MUSC 5097Graduate Recital, 2 course(s)